MSO - DSO Logic Analyzer Protocol Analyzer DVM DAQ FC

Mixed-Signal Oscilloscopes

MSO3000 = 6-in-1-Instrument

DAQ + DSO + DVM + Frequency Counter + Logic Analyzer + Protocol Analyzer

The MSO3000 series from ACUTE are mixed signal oscilloscopes and so-called 6-in-1 analyzers. It is a measurement data acquisition system (DAQ), a DVM, a DSO, a frequency counter, a logic analyzer and a protocol analyzer integrated in one system. The MSO3000 series is also very compact and does not require an external power supply, as it receives the necessary power supply directly via the USB3.0 port, i.e. it is completely mobile and a smart solution for service and home office. There are 4 analog and 16 digital channels available per module, which can be cascaded to 16 analog and 64 digital in both models. The digital inputs are designed for 2 GHz timing, 250 MHz state analysis (max.) and the analog inputs for 1 GHz conversion rate and 200 MHz bandwidth (max.). The analog resolution is max. 16 bits. Depending on the resolution, 512MS/ch analog and 4Gb digital are available per module, and there is also the option of activating a streaming mode via the PC's RAM. More than 100 bus decodes, over 30 bus triggers and over 20 analysis protocols represent an exceptional scope of delivery, see data sheet.

Live Mode

Acute offers real-time waveform and decode display for slow signals in the Logic Analyzer functionality. This helps all developers to quickly and clearly understand the decoded content and thereby reduce the time for debugging. 23 protocol decodes are supported, with more to come. The beta version of Live mode is now available for download. It provides clear visualization of slow signals and helps you to quickly understand decode details and reduce the time for debugging. Experience the innovative LA features now to increase your development efficiency!

Download Live Mode Beta Software

MSO3124V - I3C Measurement & Electrical Validation


MSO3124B - PMBus Live Mode Decode

MSO3124V - USB PD Live Mode Decode

MSO 3000 - Live Decode Mode PMBus

MSO 3000 - USB PD Live Mode

MSO3000 - eSPI - Debug

MSO3000 - I2C Analysis

MSO3000 - I3C Analysis

MSO3000 - Datasheet

Open protocol interface

If the desired protocol is not included in the more than 100 protocol interpreters, or if there is a need to integrate a customer-specific protocol, then the open protocol interface of the MSO2000 is a helpful feature. To implement your own decoding function, simply write a dynamic link library (DLL) and insert it into the plug-in folder of the installation directory. The structural design of the DLL describes the LA Open Decode Interface.

Software Window

Acute MSO3000 Software für 6-in-1 Analysator

Multiple trigger functions

    Edge Trigger: Trigger on a rising/falling/both/alternate edge.Pattern Trigger: Trigger when the logic inputs make the selected function come true.Trigger Hold Off: Holdoff time adjustable up to 10s.Runt Trigger: Use 2 voltage thresholds and pulse width to trigger on either alternating/positive/negative run signals.


  • MSO3124E (8-bit - Group Trigger Analog/Digital = I/I) = 2400 EUR  + VAT
  • MSO3124B (8-bit - Group Trigger Analog/Digital = I, II, Bus/I, II) = 3000 EUR + VAT
  • MSO3124H (16-bit - Group Trigger Analog/Digital = I, II, Bus/I, II, III) = 3700 EUR + VAT
  • MSO3124V (16-bit - Group Trigger Analog/Digital = I, II, Bus/I, II, III   Electrical Validation) = 4400 EUR + VAT
    (A complete LAPOD*2 set is included in the delivery package)
  • Additional set “LAPOD*2  cable + gripper = 800 EUR + VAT

Delivery Package

Mixed-signal oscilloscopes

MSO2000 = 3-in-1-Instrument

DSO logic analyzer protocol analyzer

Acute - MSO - Logikanalysator + Protokollanalysator + Speicheroszilloskop

The MSO2000 series from ACUTE are mixed signal oscilloscopes and so-called 3-in-1 analyzers. A logic analyzer, a protocol analyzer and a storage oscilloscope are integrated in one system. The MSO2000 series is also so compact that it fits in a jacket pocket and does not require an external power supply, as it receives the necessary power directly from the USB3.0 port, i.e. it is completely mobile and a smart solution for service and home office. Depending on the model, the system is equipped with 8 or 16 channels, which can be cascaded to up to 128 channels with the MSO2216B . The digital inputs are designed for 2 GHz timing, 200 MHz state analysis (max.) and the analog inputs for 200 MS/s (max.) - bandwidth 40 MHz at 12 bit resolution. The individual channels can display analog and digital data simultaneously. The internal memory is up to 8GB, and there is also the option to activate a streaming mode via the PC's RAM.

Open protocol interface:

If the desired protocol is not included in the more than 100 protocol interpreters, or if there is a need to integrate a customer-specific protocol, then the open protocol interface of the MSO2000 is a helpful feature. To implement your own decoding function, simply write a dynamic link library (DLL) and insert it into the plug-in folder of the installation directory. The structural design of the DLL describes the LA Open Decode Interface.

Acute Software für Mixed-Signal-Oszilloskope der MSO2000 Serie

Performance overview of the 5 models:

  • MSO2008E3-in-1 Analyzer - Logic Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer, Simple DSO, 8 channels, 2GHz sample rate, 2 Gb internal memory, Bus & Protocol Trigger I, Power Sequence: YES, Cascading option: NoMSO2116E3-in-1 Analyzer - Logic Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer, Simple DSO, 16 channels, 4GHz sample rate, 2 Gb internal memory, Bus & Protocol Trigger I II, Power Sequence: YES, Cascading option: NoMSO2116B3-in-1 Analyzer - Logic Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer, Simple DSO, 16 channels, 4GHz sample rate, 4 Gb internal memory, Bus & Protocol Trigger I II III, Power Sequence: YES, Cascading option: YES - max. 8 x MSO - max. 128 channelsMSO2216B3-in-1 Analyzer - Logic Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer, Simple DSO, 16 channels, 8GHz sample rate, 4 Gb internal memory, bus & protocol trigger I II III IV, power sequence: YES, cascading option: YES - max. 8 x MSO - max. 128 channels

General Features:

  • PC-based, USB3.0 interface
  • 8 / 16 Channels (display digital and analog waveforms of the same channel)
  • Number of channels depends on the different models
  • Digital inputs : 2 GHz timing, 200MHz state analysis (max.)
  • Analog inputs : 200 MS/s (max.), bandwidth 40 MHz
  • Analog inputs - resolution: 12 bit2/4/8 Gb memory (max.) - depends on the different models
  • PC RAM as memory for streaming mode
  • Bus decoders : BiSS-C, CAN 2.0B/CAN FD, DP_Aux¹, eSPI, I²C, I²S, I3C, MII, MIPI I3C, Serial Flash, SPI, SVID², UART (RS232), USB PD 3.0, USB1.1, ... (90 )
  • New: Power Sequence Channels - MSO2008 = 8 channels - all other models = 16 channels

Special features - depending on the different models:

  • Bus Trigger I : I2C, MIPI I3C 1.1, SPI, UART (RS232)
  • Bus Trigger II : BiSS-C, CAN2.0B/CAN FD, DP_Aux1, LIN2.2, MIPI SoundWire 1.2, SENT, USB PD3,..
  • Bus Trigger III : DALI, MDIO, MIPI RFFE 2.1, MIPI SPMI 2.0, Modbus, PMBus, SMBus, USB1.1,..
  • Bus Trigger IV : eMMC 4.5, eSPI, MII, RGMII, RMII, SD 2.0 (SDIO 2.0), Serial Flash (SPI NAND), SVID3
  • Protocol Analyzer I: I2C, MIPI I3C 1.1, SPI, UART (RS232)
  • Protocol Analyzer II: BiSS-C, CAN2.0B/CAN FD, DP_Aux1, LIN2.2, MIPI SoundWire 1.2, SENT, USB PD 3,..
  • Protocol Analyzer III : DALI, MDIO, MIPI RFFE 2.1, MIPI SPMI 2.0, Modbus, PMBus, SMBus, USB1.1,..
  • Protocol Analyzer IV : eSPI, MII, RGMII, RMII, SVID3
  • Channel Cascading: exceptional MSO2116B and MSO2216B - max. 128 Canal

MSO2000 prices for E and B  models:

  • MSO2008E = 660 EUR   + VAT
  • MSO2116E = 1320 EUR  +  VAT
  • MSO2116B = 2400 EUR   + VAT
  • MSO2216B = 3400 EUR   + VAT
Software-Download Manual Data sheet MSO E and B

I3C Analysis - R&S MXO44 + MSO2216B

eSPI Analysis - R&S MXO44 + MSO2216B

MSO2000 - Cascading - max. 128 channels

MSO2000 - Kaskadierung von Mixed-Signal-Oszilloskop Acute MSO2000
MSO2000 - Mixed-Signal-Oszilloskop - Kanäle können sowohl analoge als auch digitale Signale messen
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